How much does a talking cockatoo parrot cost in rubles?
The exotic and expensive cockatoo is the object of dreams of many parrot lovers. Birds have become so popular
How to tame a parrot: basic methods of taming
How to tame a parrot: basic methods of taming
When a feathered pet appears in the house, the owner faces the first difficulties: how to tame a wavy
Budgerigar chick
The Alexandrian parrot is a feathered capricious bird with a bright red beak.
Wild animals >> Birds Alexandrian parrots were most popular back in the days of Ancient Rome.
Photo: Budgerigar
Keeping and caring for budgies at home
Wildlife >> Birds Budgerigar - has a greenish-yellow coloration with black wavy markings
Choosing a name for a parrot: general tips, list of names
Names for parrots - how to choose according to the character, type or gender of the bird, a list of nicknames by letter of the alphabet
If a feathered pet appears in the house, then the name of the parrot is one of the first concerns
singing budgies
Singing and chirping of budgies: listen and watch video
To uninitiated people, the singing of budgies may seem like meaningless bird chatter. After all
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
How much does a parrot cost? Prices for different types of parrots
Home Parrot Frequently asked questions 05/11/2019 The “macaw” group includes the largest and brightly colored
Lovebirds: description, types, care and maintenance
Small birds are especially valued as pets, and lovebirds rightfully occupy
Corella parrot: description, habitat, lifestyle, reproduction
Today, the Corella parrot ranks after the budgerigar on the list of recognizable exotic birds.
Reproduction of rosellas
Singing and chirping of budgies: listen and watch video
To uninitiated people, the singing of budgies may seem like meaningless bird chatter. After all
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