Cottage cheese for parrots: can it be given and in what quantity?

The main diet of domesticated birds includes dry food - approximately 70% of the total volume, as well as additives in the form of fruits, vegetables and other things. The latter allow you to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals. Let's figure out whether cottage cheese can be fed to parrots, as well as other dairy products.

Can parrots have cottage cheese (cheese)

Although hundreds of generations of parrots raised in captivity no longer have anything to do with the wild and have adapted to the food that people offer them, millions of years of previous independent existence cannot disappear without a trace. For example, they still have an increased sensitivity to lactose, which these birds had no exposure to in the wild. Therefore, there are still discrepancies among parrot lovers and breeders regarding the consumption of dairy products by these birds, which will be discussed further.

Kakariki and wavy

Advantages of keeping a budgie:

  • one of the cheapest options in terms of cost;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • the ability not to clean up after them for several days;
  • rarely susceptible to various types of diseases and pests;
  • get along well with other bird species;
  • you can teach to speak, and quite well;
  • may be alone indoors for long periods of time.

Compared to the kakarik, the budgie is much easier to care for and maintain. But it also has a number of negative sides:

  • very noisy friend. It can react noisily to any event occurring in the apartment. Quite restless and loves to play with noisy toys: a bell, for example;
  • loves to litter a lot. Scatters food not only throughout the cage, but also outside it;
  • poorly trained. Especially in a situation where the bird lives with other species or in more than one unit;
  • life expectancy is only 10-15 years, which is significantly less in comparison with other small parrots;
  • capable of showing aggression if approached incorrectly. For example, it hurts to bite.

Kakarik and budgerigar are compatible both in character and size. Being friendly towards similar species, they are easy to keep together. Moreover, the kakarikas will have more fun this way. They need more communication than the standard look.

Can parrots have cottage cheese?

Because of this very lactose, which does not have the best effect on the microflora of the bird’s intestines, some experts completely deny the possibility of feeding their pets any dairy products, including cottage cheese.

Others, while agreeing about dairy products in general, make an exception for low-fat cottage cheese.

Still others, in addition to cottage cheese, allow their winged pets to infrequently consume fermented milk products in the form of low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt.

And yet, most experts believe that giving parrots cottage cheese is not only possible, but also necessary. The animal protein, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients it contains only benefit the health of the bird. This is especially true during the breeding season.

Feeding a parrot with cottage cheese: video

In this case, it is necessary that the cottage cheese be:

  • fresh;
  • low fat;
  • does not contain salt, sugar, aromatic additives.

How much to give

Consumption of eggs is beneficial only if it does not exceed the established daily volume. Failure to comply with the standards will turn the consumption of the product into harm

It is important to consider that this is still far from the only component of a bird’s diet that contains the protein that parrots need. Birds also get this substance from low-fat dairy products:

Therefore, you should control not only the consumption of eggs, but also the amount of protein your pet receives from the diet in general.

Oversaturation of a parrot's body with protein threatens such health problems as:

  • apathy;
  • inactivity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • digestive problems;
  • obesity;
  • passivity.

As ornithologist veterinarians emphasize, in order not to exceed the permissible amount of protein intake and to extract the maximum benefit from eggs in the form of microelements, it is recommended to give parrots an egg not completely, but one quarter at a time (the maximum dosage is half an egg, but only if you are sure that the bird does not get protein from other foods).

Is it possible to milk and other dairy products

The only thing that parrot lovers definitely agree on is that pure milk is contraindicated for these birds. Actually, the parrots themselves understand this, practically without touching the milk offered to them.

Some owners of parrots, trying to look smarter than these birds, feed them bread, which they dip in milk, believing that since milk is good for everyone, the same applies to their winged charges. As a result, the appearance of dysbacteriosis in birds is provoked, not to mention the fact that bread itself is not the best food for them.

As for fermented milk products, in low-fat form, without salt and sugar additives and in limited quantities, they can occasionally be given to winged pets to enrich their body with calcium and supply it with animal protein. The exception is cheese, which is contraindicated for birds due to the presence of salt and fat in excessive proportions.

A few reasons against


Even between two identical feathered pets, hostility can arise. What can we say about different types of birds? A pair of birds such as a budgerigar and a cockatiel may simply not get along in the same cage. Especially if one bird is suddenly and without preparation placed with another.

When a parrot lives in a cage for more than two to three weeks, it begins to consider it its territory. Gradually the pet gets used to doing without its fellows. The sudden appearance of a neighbor can unsettle him from his usual lonely life and lead to a quarrel.

If a fight breaks out, the cockatiel will begin to peck at the opponent. And thanks to its powerful beak, it can cripple the “wavy”. If there are a lot of budgies, then the cockatiel is unlikely to cope alone. In any case, the quarrel that arises will not lead to anything good.

Nuances of feeding

It is impossible to create the same properly balanced diet for birds of different species. If a cockatiel and a budgerigar eat from the same feeder, they will not receive enough vital substances. As a result, this state of affairs will lead to the birds getting sick.

Risk of complications

If a cockatiel and a budgerigar start living in the same cage, they will be in close contact. If one of the birds gets sick, it will infect the other. Simultaneous treatment is extremely inconvenient, because each pet requires a different dosage of medication.

Cell selection

It is very difficult to choose a cage that is suitable for both feathered pets. Large cages with sparse bars are suitable for cockatiels, and small cages with sparse bars are suitable for budgies.

In a small cage, the cockatiel will suffer due to insufficient space for normal life activities. And a budgie can hurt its neck in a cage with sparse bars.

In addition, for cockatiels and "wavy" it is necessary to select completely different accessories for the cage. For example, unlike cockatiels, budgies should have:

  • small toys;
  • smaller drinking bowl;
  • shallow feeder;
  • perches with a diameter of at least fifteen millimeters.

For cockatiels, objects this small will be uncomfortable.

Birds of different sexes

If a male and a female of different species live in the same cage, then they can make attempts to create a pair. Let's say a female budgerigar takes a liking to a male cockatiel. As a result, she will begin to experience constant stress due to the impossibility of continuing the relationship. Also, the female may begin to lay unfertilized eggs, which will lead to calcium deficiency in her body.

It is unlikely that separating the birds will help in this case, because budgerigars tend to choose a mate for life. If the “wavy” is separated from his chosen partner, this can only worsen the situation. Even though it's a cockatiel. The bird risks getting sick from melancholy and depression.

If the owner of feathered pets decides to breed a particular species of bird, then events may not develop as he would like. Sympathy between a cockatiel and a budgie sometimes arises, even if they are in different cages. In this case, the bird in love may develop antipathy towards the new neighbor of the opposite sex, placed by the owner in its cage. Up to and including fights. For example, if a female budgerigar pecks a male of her own species, then there can be no question of any procreation.

What not to feed

In addition to milk and cheese, parrots are strictly not allowed to give food in the form of:

  • mango;
  • papayas;
  • potatoes;
  • persimmons;
  • spicy herbs;
  • candied fruits;
  • berry seeds containing hydrocyanic acid;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • boiled vegetables and table foods containing excess salt and fat.

Today, in any pet store you can purchase balanced feed mixtures for parrots, prepared by professionals, that can completely saturate the bird’s body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Grass, vegetables and fruits can successfully supplement this food, but not food from the human table, which is not intended for birds. You should not forget about this when raising your winged pets.


Benefits of cucumbers

Undoubtedly, the cucumber is rich in vitamins and microelements, and is also enriched with water and will not only please the budgie with its crunch, but will also quench its thirst. In addition to its pleasant taste, cucumber is really beneficial for birds due to its high content of nutrients:

The high fiber content has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, which is especially important for the sensitive stomach of birds. Fiber improves the functioning of the motor-skeletal system, reducing the load on the skeleton. The content of the antioxidant beta-carotene in cucumbers helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste, thanks to improved absorption of acids and stabilization of metabolic processes. Folic acid present in the composition strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and heart function, which play a key role in the life expectancy of a feathered friend. Cucumbers contain many B vitamins that protect the nervous system and stimulate metabolism.

Many birds are susceptible to stress and especially need vitamins. Vitamin C improves blood flow and facilitates the process of digesting food, followed by the absorption of nutrients.

Cucumber is rich in various microelements: potassium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus and others necessary for the favorable existence of birds. All of them participate in the formation of bone tissue and ease the load on the heart, nervous and digestive systems. Your pet really needs them, which means you shouldn’t completely exclude cucumbers from the list of foods you eat.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

Many veterinarians believe that cottage cheese is not only possible, but necessary to be given to a parrot. The main thing is to monitor the volume and regularity of your diet. This type of dairy product has many beneficial properties:

  • Due to the fact that protein is absorbed quickly in the body, its consumption does not cause heartburn and gas formation.
  • A special feature of the manufacturing technology is that it absorbs all useful microelements.
  • Thanks to the vitamins and minerals contained in it, energy increases.
  • Calcium improves the structure of your pet's dental system. With periodic consumption of cottage cheese, the risk of caries is eliminated. This element also helps strengthen the claws and skeletal system.
  • Due to the high calorie content, the likelihood of obesity in poultry is reduced: the feeling of fullness is maintained for a long time.
  • A group of B vitamins and amino acids improve the functioning of the nervous system, reducing the risk of apathy.
  • The product should be used if problems with the digestive tract, diseases of the cardiovascular system and obesity occur.
  • Using a curd product you can get rid of discomfort in the intestines. It improves stomach functions and eliminates heartburn.
  • The fermented milk product is beneficial for parrots during the breeding season. It should also be given to aging birds to strengthen their joints.
  • Cottage cheese helps lower blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of plaque formation.
  • Your pet bird will benefit from curd whey. It improves the functioning of the digestive system, regulates the functions of the liver and kidneys.
  • The use of this product prevents the formation of cancer of numerous internal organs.
  • Using curd made from goat's milk, you can cure burns and remove traces of parasite bites. A large amount of calcium content helps heal diseased joints.
  • The serum can be used as a compress for shallow wounds and severe abrasions.

Fruit menu

Vegetables and fruits can be given to the parrot fresh, dried or dried. But do the drying yourself. The bird gets pleasure from such food and a supply of vitamins and beneficial microelements necessary for an active life.

Different fruits contain different composition and amounts of useful components

It is important to follow the norm and remember that not all fruits can be given to birds.

List of permitted fruits:

  • Apples are a real vitamin cocktail. It contains the enzymes necessary for the parrot’s stomach to work “like a clock.” Tannins, fiber and organic acids are useful in them. Apples are included in the daily menu.
  • Kiwi is good to give to birds in the autumn-winter period to prevent colds. Strengthens the immune system, protects the body from viruses.
  • Pears contain pectin for the digestion process, carbohydrates, iron and phosphorus for energy. It is advisable to choose hard varieties.
  • Feijoa is a rich source of iron, vitamins, and other beneficial substances. Not all birds love these fruits. If it turns out that the bird likes them, this will only be beneficial.
  • It is not forbidden to offer oranges in small pieces. Citrus fruits contain essential oils, carbohydrates, and fiber. This is excellent protection against infectious diseases. Citrus fruits can be offered to birds in the form of juice, diluted with water.
  • Apricots contain inulin, starch, sugar, provitamin A, iron, and beneficial acids. Boosts the immune system and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Peaches help digestion, contain copper and iron in an optimal ratio, and are useful for weakened birds, as they can increase appetite.
  • Pineapple has a positive effect on muscle tissue and strengthens blood vessels. Canned food should not be given.
  • Pomegranates are a very healthy food; they enrich the body with substances necessary for the smooth functioning of the heart muscle and cleanse blood vessels. A few grains per day will be enough for such a beneficial effect. The daily norm can be increased to a sixth of a pomegranate.

Fresh, dried and thawed berries can be given to parrots all year round several times a day:

  • Grapes rich in microelements and vitamins. A couple of berries a day without the skin will cleanse the body and remove toxins. There is no need to remove the seeds.
  • Raspberries are rich in vitamins and microelements and are also excellent at fighting colds. It's a rare parrot that doesn't like raspberries. It is advisable to choose sweet varieties of berries.
  • Blackberries are good for the eyesight of birds, improve digestion and relieve various inflammations. Another plus of the berry is that it is grown without the use of chemicals, which means it is not dangerous for birds.

Bananas are a delicacy for birds, containing potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber and healthy acids. It is not recommended in large quantities, so as not to overdo it with the daily sugar intake.

Raisins are not only a treat that brings joy to birds, but also help to avoid many health problems.

It must be remembered that the contents of apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid. Fruit treats must be fresh and thoroughly washed to avoid serious poisoning, which can lead to the death of your pet.

Cottage cheese for a parrot

The most nutritious foods in a parrot's diet are wheat grains, egg yolk and cottage cheese. It is best given to birds during the breeding season. Provides calcium and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body. It improves the health of both the parrot itself and its offspring. How often can you give your budgies cottage cheese? Some representatives may be lactose intolerant. To find out about this, you need to contact a specialist.

On ordinary days, the bird is given it once every two weeks, a teaspoon. During the mating season, the amount of product consumed is increased. It must be low-fat, without adding any flavoring additives. Parrots have no problem with cottage cheese and eat it calmly. Fermented milk product is fed to the pet to supply the body with animal protein and organic substances. You should not give your pet cottage cheese products, because... they usually contain salt, sugar and vegetable oil. They negatively affect the bird’s body and can even lead to its death.

It is best to give parrots cottage cheese, finely chopped, along with dry semolina. This treat is well suited for birds during the breeding period. It should be given once a week, one tablespoon. A small amount of sugar is added to the curd mixture. In a small dose, it is beneficial for the body, and budgies like it. It is worth carefully monitoring your pet’s reaction to fermented milk products. It is not recommended to force feed the parrot with it. Its overdose can cause serious metabolic problems.

Cottage cheese is an important component of a balanced diet for parrots. The product must be given fresh and in small doses. If the owner monitors the diet of his feathered friend, then his body will be healthy and strong.


Can there be harm?

A product can be called harmful if production rules were violated: milk from sick animals was used, flavor enhancers and other chemicals were added. If an adult is already accustomed to the latter, then for a bird it is a serious threat to health.

When choosing cottage cheese, you should pay special attention to its color, smell and overall appearance . Animals should never be given foods containing trans fats, sugar or salt. They will negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and in a good half of cases lead to serious poisoning.

Curd products that are common today are also contraindicated for birds, because they contain additives that are dangerous to the health of the animal. The product must be made from real organic milk.

Low-fat cottage cheese is good for birds, but some birds may develop lactose intolerance, which is accompanied by allergic reactions of various kinds. Therefore, before including the product in the main diet, you should offer your pet a small piece to try.

For birds with kidney disease, cottage cheese is contraindicated. High protein content can become a catalyst for the development of chronic diseases. Some animals do not tolerate casein, which is also found in cottage cheese.

Can parrots have cottage cheese (cheese)

All parrots are exotic “guests” of your apartments. It is worth remembering this not only because they add zest to your home, but also when organizing the bird’s feeding. All reference books regarding nutrition say that birds in captivity must receive all the necessary elements included in the diet of birds living in natural conditions. Quite often the question is asked: can a parrot have cottage cheese?

We answer, according to data from Brazilian ornithologists, the basis of the diet of parrots is plant buds, but wild parrots do not eat the same dry grains that we feed them every day. Therefore, the question of parrot nutrition remains open to this day. As for cottage cheese, it is necessary as a source of protein, calcium and enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the intestines of poultry.

What should be included in a bird's diet that can satisfy all the natural needs of the bird? R. Lowe believes that 60% of the diet should be vegetables and fruits, the remaining 40 should be seeds and nuts.

In turn, professional breeders believe that the optimal ratio of elements necessary in a parrot’s diet is observed in professional feeds. However, many bird lovers have learned the opposite from their own experience, preferring to feed their pets foods enriched with a set of essential microelements. When thinking about diet, many bird lovers begin to ask questions:

Can parrots have eggs or can budgies have cottage cheese? After all, these are the products that are preferred in feeding any growing organism. Eggs are an important source of protein, so it is recommended to feed one chicken egg once a week. In addition, many breeders, concerned about whether it is possible to give a parrot an egg, prefer to feed their pet quail eggs, as they are more nutritious.

Cottage cheese and any fermented milk products are not only possible, but must be given to any bird, including budgies. An important condition is that they all must be low-fat. Fermented baked milk, kefir, and yogurt can be given no more than twice a week.

A parrot's diet must contain nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The proportions of these products in the diet of each individual species of parrot are discussed in special reference books. All fruits and vegetables must be fresh.

In addition to the listed products, sprouted grains should be included in the poultry diet. To do this, ordinary grain is thoroughly washed and filled with water at room temperature for five hours. Then the water is drained, the grain is washed again and filled with water of the same temperature, but for 8-9 hours. During this time, the grain should hatch. Before feeding, the seedlings should be dried, since not all parrots do not like wet food.

It is not allowed to feed the bird: mango (fresh mango, according to veterinarians, contains toxic elements), persimmon, papaya, potatoes, herbs, candied fruits, boiled vegetables and table foods, as they contain large amounts of fat and salt, which are contraindicated for parrots . To avoid poisoning, do not give the bird seeds of berries containing hydrocyanic acid, meat, cheese, seafood, or fish.

Proven ready-made feed mixtures for parakeets

  1. RIO for medium parrots.
  2. Fiory mixture for medium parrots.
  3. Versele-Laga Prestige Big Parakeets.

For passerine parrots, it is best to use ready-made mixtures for medium-sized parrots. The amount is 1.5-2 teaspoons per day per bird.

Be sure to include greens, vegetables, fruits and berries in your diet in addition to the grain mixture. Birds should not be given potatoes, citrus fruits, exotic foreign fruits (collected very far away), berries with seeds (the seeds must be removed first), and those products that contain a lot of nitrates. Of course, human food containing sugar, salt, and fat is excluded. You can't give milk or bread.

Otherwise, there are practically no restrictions: apples, pears, bananas, lemons, peaches and oranges, carrots, beets, cabbage, lettuce and dandelion leaves, rowan berries, currants, viburnum, lingonberries will be a useful addition for birds. Parrots can also make porridge from cereals (in water, without salt), germinate and steam grains.

In addition, you can brew a weak solution of chamomile and rose hips, drip honey into the drinking bowl or a couple of drops of lemon - all this will definitely have a positive effect on the health of passerine parrots.

Do not forget to additionally purchase a mineral mixture for birds at the pet store, which you will add to the feeder. If you want to save money, you can crush eggshells (well washed and boiled) and add them to the food.

Boiled eggs and low-fat cottage cheese, as well as sprouts, stimulate sexual behavior. Therefore, these products must be limited in the diet and given no more than once a week, in the amount of: egg - a piece the size of a pea (both yolk and white), cottage cheese - ½ teaspoon. If the parrot eats less than this amount, it’s not scary.

Tree branches can also be an excellent source of nutrients and a means of entertainment.
Mealy food for parrots

  • Millet - 60% of the total amount of food (the basis of the diet of passerine parrots).
  • Millet (millet without shell) - in the form of crumbly porridge, how to cook porridge - read below.
  • Oats - 20-40% of the total amount of food, regular, unhulled oats will be an excellent training for parrots.
  • Wheat - 30-40% 2 times a week. In semi-ripe or sprouted form. To germinate wheat or barley grains, you should wash them and fill them with warm water. In the evening, the water is drained and the grains are washed in running water. Then fill it with water again and leave until the morning. Usually by this time the grains have sprouted, and they can already be fed to parrots. Read more about grain germination in a separate article on our website.
  • Corn - 20% of the total feed amount. It can cause obesity, so don’t give much, just a few grains a day.
  • Peas - Unripe, raw or canned peas should not be given to parrots. This is explained by the fact that peas can cause negative consequences for the body of a passerine parrot, so they must be boiled or steamed.
  • Plantain and dandelion seeds - These should be prepared in advance. To do this, plantain spikelets are collected into bouquets and hung to dry. And seeds are collected from dandelions when white fluff appears on their heads. This is an excellent treat for birds that almost all birds will enjoy.

Oilseed feed

  • Sunflower seeds - no more than 15% of the feed. Very nutritious due to the high oil content. Therefore, you can’t give too much. Otherwise, the passerine parrot may gain excess weight; in this case, there is no way to do without a diet.
  • Nuts - 5% 2-3 times a week. Very saturated with fat, excessive consumption can lead to stomach upset and obesity. Walnuts are very useful during the mating period.
  • Hemp - No more than 5%. Before giving it to the parrot, it must be boiled for 10 minutes and dried.
  • Flaxseed - 1-2% in the grain mixture. Very nutritious and medicinal. Good for the intestines. Its decoction is recommended to be given instead of drinking when coughing. Large amounts lead to diarrhea. It is strictly forbidden to soak flaxseed! It releases a liquid that will be harmful to birds.

Juicy feed

  • Carrots and carrot tops are always relevant; they can be given either in slices or grated, separately or mixed with other vegetables, fruits or even cereals.
  • Cabbage - Chop finely, or give whole leaves. When feathering appears, it is advisable to give it every day.
  • Beets - Raw, grated. Winter-spring is especially useful, because it is a real storehouse of various vitamins.
  • Tomatoes - Only ripe fruits can be given to parrots.
  • Cucumbers - Promote feed absorption. Give in the form of slices. They do not contain a large amount of vitamins, so you should not abuse cucumbers, but should be given periodically for the absorption of food by the intestines.
  • Sweet pepper - In the form of slices, without removing the seeds.
  • Watermelon, melon, pumpkin - Helps improve digestion and heart function. The seeds are also useful. They are dried and crushed before serving.
  • Apples, pears, bananas, plums, peach, apricot, kiwi, pineapple - Feed in slices, without seeds.
  • Grapes - 3-4 berries per day.
  • Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lime, pomegranate - Give by dividing into slices and peeling.
  • Lemon - Add a few drops of juice to drinking water (protects against infections). Whole slices cannot be given.
  • Inzhik, pumpkin, pattison, zucchini, zucchini with seeds, rutabaga, turnip.


  • Strawberries, Rowan, Blackcurrants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Viburnum, Lingonberries, Cherries, Sweet cherries, Blueberries, Honeysuckle - Before giving, dried berries are soaked overnight in boiling water and chopped in the morning. Next, it needs to be added to the wet feed mixture. Fresh berries are hung in a cage. It has medicinal properties and contains many useful vitamins.
  • Cranberries - Especially useful in winter and spring. Useful for vitamin deficiencies - together with carrots.
  • Rosehip - The richest in vitamins. You can give rosehip decoction instead of water 2-3 times a week.
  • Blueberries - Healing effect for stomach diseases.

Bread and a budgie: to be or not to be?

The first thing you need to think about when you decide to get a budgie is its diet. Only a proper diet and the exclusion of prohibited foods can ensure a long and happy life for your feathered pet.

Thanks to a good base, which includes grain mixtures, your bird will always be active, cheerful and mobile. But how to understand the variety of products, as well as such opposing opinions of experts? Is it possible to give these birds cottage cheese, oats, seeds and bread?

Traditional plastic carrier

Perhaps the most common way to move small animals. Very well suited for long-distance travel, but in a car (and especially on a bicycle) a bulky plastic box is not very convenient.

Among the advantages, we note excellent breathability, ease of cleaning and maintenance, the ability to organize meals while traveling, hygiene, strength and durability.

The disadvantages are determined by the need to allocate space for storing this box and, of course, the outdated design. It is necessary to have such a device in stock, but it is not very suitable for short-term forays outside the city.

Cost – 1,146 – 2,137 rubles.

Subtleties of the diet of budgies

In order to provide the right diet for your pet, it is necessary to analyze their life in the wild. As a rule, budgerigars live in tropical climates where there is a lot of greenery, seeds, and also animal food in the form of spider bugs. However, domesticated birds have been living next to us for many years, in urban conditions, so they have already managed to adapt to ready-made feed mixtures.

Conventionally, all food for budgies can be divided into plant and animal origin.

Today, breeders and food manufacturers for budgies have not come up with anything better than a feed mixture consisting of several types of grain:

  • yellow millet;
  • red millet;
  • white millet;
  • peeled oats;
  • unshelled oats;
  • canary seed;
  • flax seeds;
  • raw sunflower seeds (no more than 1%).

In addition to grain mixtures, which you can prepare yourself, or you can purchase quality products in pet stores, budgies must be given other plant foods.

  • vegetable tops;
  • herbs;
  • greenery;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • pumpkin seeds in small quantities (peeled).

Food of animal origin includes all kinds of beetles, larvae, and insects, but they can hardly be found in large quantities in an apartment.

Therefore, it is very useful to give foods such as:

  • cottage cheese (can be low-fat, up to 9% fat);
  • fermented milk cheese (preferably without salt);
  • hard-boiled chicken eggs.

In order for your bird’s diet to be balanced, you need to carefully consider a menu that will include all these products: seeds, cottage cheese, cheese, cereals.

Mineral supplements

To keep your pet healthy and alert, he is also offered mineral-containing supplements:

  1. A special chalk sold in pet stores. Construction material cannot be used.
  2. Ground eggshells.
  3. Organic sand. It can also be purchased at pet stores. It plays a role in grinding food in the bird's crop.
  4. Sepia. This is the inside of a cuttlefish's shell. She is also very helpful.
  5. During the molting period, the parrot can be given a pinch of sulfur for two teaspoons of food, no more than fits on the tip of a knife.
  6. When giving your parrot fortified water, you should limit it from juicy fruits and vegetables. Otherwise he will quench his thirst with them.

Daily values ​​of plant foods

Every owner has probably thought about how to create the right diet for their pet. What standards must be observed so that the bird does not gain excess weight and does not have problems with the digestive system?

The grain mixture, which should include oats, should not exceed 20 grams per day. Sometimes birds eat it right away in a day, but it is important not to forget that birds should not be allowed to starve. It is advisable to create the right menu for poultry, which will include porridge, cottage cheese, seeds, cheese, and bread.

Sunflower seeds are very oily and greasy, so you shouldn't give them daily. The oats in the mixture can be unshelled; their wavy grains are a pleasure to peel, and the shells retain the beneficial properties of the grain.

Sprouting grains is quite simple: you can take a tablespoon of millet, oats or other raw grains, pour warm water over it overnight. In the morning you will see that the grains have swollen and nodules have appeared in them.

In this form you can give them to your budgie. The only caveat: sprouted grains spoil very quickly, so do not soak a lot of grain at once, and also remove excess such food from the cage in a timely manner.

What grains are used for cooking

The most valuable porridges for a budgie are buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and pearl barley. Since millet is the basis of your feathered pet’s diet, boil it and gradually add other ingredients to the mixture. Millet should not exceed half of the total poultry diet.

List of allowed cereals:

  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • barley;
  • pearl barley

Do not cook the porridge until fully cooked; it should be slightly damp. Oatmeal and buckwheat can be brought to a boil, then removed from heat, cover and leave for half an hour. It is also acceptable to steam cereals in a thermos. To do this, simply pour boiling water over them, cover and let sit for 6 hours.


This cereal does not require long cooking. Bring it to a boil, leave for 10-15 minutes and remove from heat. If you want to enrich millet with useful substances, add crushed boiled eggs or pieces of fruit.


You can cook this porridge or steam it in a thermos. In the first case, fill it with water and keep it on the fire after boiling for 10 minutes. Then leave to simmer for half an hour. If you cook in a thermal mug, pour boiling water over the cereal and close the container with a lid. The dish will be ready in 6 hours.


For oatmeal, buy regular cereal without additives and slow cooking. Fill them with water and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Crushed cereals are useful for small chicks and parrots weakened by illness, as they are a good source of energy and are easier to digest in the gastrointestinal tract. Healthy parrots should be fed whole grains. Boil the cell for 10-15 minutes or steam in a thermos. You can mix it with grated raw carrots.

Brown rice

Experienced breeders recommend using only wild and brown rice. The cereals are cooked for about 20-25 minutes, removed from the heat and simmered under the lid for half an hour.

Legumes – mung bean, peas, lentils

Soak the grains overnight and cook for 20-30 minutes in the morning. Cook red, green and pink lentils without soaking. Give green and brown ones in a soaked form.


This cereal takes a long time to prepare and requires pre-soaking for 6 hours. Cook for 20-25 minutes, serve warm.

Can a parrot have bread?

As you know, bread is made from plants such as wheat, rye and other grains. However, you can often find an opinion on forums that this product is strictly forbidden to be given to budgies.

Let's try to figure out why there is such an opinion and is it really so?

It is indeed strictly forbidden to give budgies rye bread. It is this type of product that can cause obstruction in the crop, which can result in the death of the bird. The softened crumb is very sticky and the budgie will not be able to cope on its own.

As for white bread, it can be given in small quantities. Since it contains yeast, sugar, salt, flour, it is quite high in calories. In addition, the digestive system of birds is not designed for such food, so it is better not to get carried away.

What are the consumption standards for this product? Bread can be given 2 times a week as an addition to vegetable mixtures, for example, with grated carrots. It can also be added to grated beets to prevent softening of the stool.

Authorized Products

Food of animal origin

Protein feeds are used as an additive to the main food (cereal mixture, fruits, vegetables) to compensate for the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body of budgerigars.

Birds need to be fed animal products about two to three times a month. During molting, during the nesting period and when feeding offspring, you need to feed your pets with squirrels much more often - almost every day. Protein foods include the following products:

  • egg - high content of vitamins A, D, E, K and microelements: phosphorus, chlorine, iodine and others;
  • fish oil is a source of vitamins, iodine, phosphorus;
  • cottage cheese is rich in vitamins and various microelements: magnesium, calcium, iron and others.

It is best to give your budgie a chicken egg; it is easier to digest. It needs to be hard-boiled. To do this, you need to keep it in boiling water for about eight minutes. After which the boiled egg is freed from the shell and crushed with a fork or tinder on a grater.

The resulting dish can be given to the bird either in this form or mixed with grated vegetables. For example, with carrots or beets. To make the mixture crumbly, add a small amount of semolina to it. Some birds like it if you add a little food to the egg. No salt!

Fish oil is given to a parrot only if it has a severe lack of calcium in the body. It is sold in pharmacies both in its natural form and with the addition of vitamins A and D. This product requires certain storage conditions: no more than ten degrees Celsius. Therefore, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Remember - if you purchased a bottle of fish oil, its contents deteriorate (oxidize) in two to three days after opening.

If you doubt whether cottage cheese is suitable for budgies, know - only low-fat. Moreover, it must be fresh. If the cottage cheese is not crumbly, add a small amount of semolina to it. Before serving, always taste the cottage cheese - a sour product can poison your pet.

Also, budgies are sometimes given mealworms and gammarus (a small amphipod crustacean) in the form of protein feeding. In the wild, these birds sometimes happily feast on various small insects, so at home such protein food will benefit them.

When preparing animal products, there are several things to consider. Firstly, this is quickly perishable food, especially in the hot season. Therefore, you need to sprinkle food at one feeding and remove it after a while if the parrot has not finished eating. Otherwise, the pet may get poisoned. Secondly, there must be a separate feeder for protein food.

Food of plant origin

We talked about the main plant food (grain mixture) in the article “Food for a budgie.” However, grain is not the only plant product that is given to these pets. For example, you can cook porridge with it. This is an excellent supplemental food that can be included in a bird's daily diet.

Suitable cereals for cooking include peas, beans, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and others. To cook porridge correctly, you must follow two rules:

  • you need to cook only in water;
  • You cannot add salt, sugar, any oil or seasonings.

In order for budgies to be able to eat a varied diet, it is best to make several porridges separately and then mix them. This kind of food can be prepared in different ways, but when it is slightly undercooked, it turns out crumbly. In this form it is easier for the bird to eat it - the porridge does not stick to the beak. Grated vegetables, fruits, and finely chopped herbs are added to such food.

You can also occasionally give your parrot bread in small quantities. However, not all bread is suitable for a wavy pet to eat. Eliminate rye bread from the bird's diet. It is too sticky, and if the crumb accumulates in the pet’s crop, the body is unlikely to be able to push it into the stomach and digest it. This state of affairs often leads to the death of the bird.

But white bread can be suitable as bird food. But you shouldn’t get carried away - it contains ingredients that are harmful to the parrot, such as salt, sugar and yeast. It is best to dry crackers from white bread, crush them and add a little, for example, to an egg-beet mixture. You can also sometimes pamper your favorite bird with fresh sweet pastries. But just a little bit, the parrot becomes hyperactive from sweets.

What kind of porridge can wavy cats eat?

In order to diversify the diet of your budgie, you can cook porridge for these birds. These birds happily eat buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pea, and millet porridge. You can also add sprouted oats to them.

As for the cooking method, under no circumstances should you add salt, sugar, or milk to them. Budgerigars do not have an enzyme in their body that allows them to digest milk, as a result of which the bird may develop dysbiosis.

As for the boiliness of the porridge, it depends on the taste of your feathered friend. Some people like more viscous porridges, while others prefer crumbly ones. Sometimes you can add a small amount of honey for sweetness. What are the standards for this product? From autumn to spring, you can feed the wavy porridge 2 times a week, 5-10 grams. In the summer, the carbohydrate intake can be increased with fresh green food or steamed grain.


Nuts are a source of fatty acids and vitamins. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, plumage and brain function. However, they should be given in limited quantities: 1-2 times a month, a small piece.

  • pine nuts;
  • coconut;
  • cashew nuts;
  • Walnut;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut.

Excessive consumption of nuts negatively affects digestion, because... they are too fatty and high in calories for pets.


It is advisable to include greens in the daily diet, especially in the summer. It is useful to give your parrot fresh greens, which are a source of useful elements:

  • clover;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • carrot and beet tops;
  • plantain;
  • burdock;
  • dandelion;
  • scalded nettle leaves;
  • leaves of fruit trees, willow;
  • green cereals;
  • knotweed;
  • spruce needles (without branches).

The grass should be collected selectively, in separate shoots, since when picked in bunches, there is a high probability of taking a poisonous plant. Grass and branches are not collected along roads and near industrial enterprises.

You can give parrots some house plants:

  • green chlorophytums;
  • palm trees;
  • tradescantia;
  • citruses;
  • roses;
  • bamboo;
  • hibiscus;
  • aloe and kalanchoe;
  • chrysanthemums.

It is better to place plants that are edible for birds in the same room with the cage, while poisonous ones should be taken to another room and avoid their contact with the bird.

Parrot Food Anxieties

Nutrition is an important detail for parrot owners. Insufficient amounts of vitamins in the diet of poultry or food containing harmful substances and products are the cause of many diseases and deaths for the parrot.

If your pet's menu consists of nutritious food, rich in essential vitamins and minerals, he will be active, cheerful and beautiful. But how can the owner understand what products, in addition to grain feed, parrots are allowed to eat? Can a parrot have cheese? Are cottage cheese, greens and other foods allowed? It is important for the owner to know what parrots eat.

What vegetables are contraindicated for parrots?

Some vegetables are very harmful to parrots. For example, daikon and radish are too spicy to taste. This also includes celery, onion and garlic - they contain essential oils that are difficult for a bird’s stomach to digest. In large quantities, these components can cause serious diseases of the digestive system.

Raw eggplant is bitter and also contains solanine. True, there are practically no toxins in white varieties of this vegetable. If you want to offer your pet eggplant, choose from the white varieties. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which is difficult to digest.

The best vegetables for budgies are considered to be home grown without chemicals.

Bird from the tropics

In order for the owner of a parrot to understand the intricacies of the diet of poultry, he must analyze the nutrition that the birds receive when living in natural conditions.

Parrots are tropical creatures, where bugs, worms, greens, and seeds of various fruits are present in great abundance.

Domestic budgies have lived among people for a long time and have gradually become accustomed to eating ready-made food and vitamin complexes. Before the owner decides for himself whether a parrot can have cheese, he should consider in detail the options for plant and animal food suitable for flying pets.

Why does a bird refuse fruit?

There may be several explanations for this. Perhaps the bird is simply afraid to try unfamiliar food, since it has never seen anything like it before. Such fears worry both chicks and adults. If this is your case, offer your bird fruit more often. And before you give a piece to the bird, try it yourself. And so that the pet can see it.

A parrot may also refuse fruit because it was once treated to a spoiled or unripe fruit, after which it felt unwell or became completely ill. Such impressions are remembered in order to prevent the bird from eating food that is inappropriate for it. How to save a bird from an unpleasant experience? Replace it with a new one. Look for the fruit that the bird will perceive positively.

His childhood can tell you why a parrot doesn’t eat fruit. If you took a bird from a reseller or a pet store that sells rare birds, your pet probably entered the country illegally. Such birds are transported in terrible conditions and fed only to last until they are sold. Having become accustomed to a meager diet, usually limited to grain crops, the parrot cannot accept other food for a long time. However, this does not mean that attempts to accustom him to fruits should be abandoned. Continue to arouse interest in healthy food, and one day the bird will be tempted by the bright fruit.

A bird may also ignore fruit because it is sick. She may have gastrointestinal problems that prevent her from enjoying plant-based foods. If you notice a deterioration in your bird's appetite or problems with stool, contact your veterinarian.

You can ask an ornithologist about why your parrot does not eat fruit, if this specialist has been observing your pet since childhood. Perhaps you simply offer not the ripest and not the most delicious fruits?

What do parrots eat?

The food mixture intended for feeding budgies is a collection of various components and various types of grain:

  • yellow millet;
  • white millet;
  • flax seeds;
  • canary seed;
  • peeled oat grains;
  • red millet;
  • sunflower seeds.

In addition to food for the parrot, which you can prepare yourself, the owner can feed the bird with other plant components:

  • vegetable leaves;
  • grass;
  • greens;
  • a small amount of pumpkin seeds;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables.

Among the usual products for a parrot, choose:

What vegetables are contraindicated for parrots?

Some vegetables are very harmful to parrots. For example, daikon and radish are too spicy to taste. This also includes celery, onion and garlic - they contain essential oils that are difficult for a bird’s stomach to digest. In large quantities, these components can cause serious diseases of the digestive system.

Raw eggplant is bitter and also contains solanine. True, there are practically no toxins in white varieties of this vegetable. If you want to offer your pet eggplant, choose from the white varieties. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which is difficult to digest.

The best vegetables for budgies are considered to be home grown without chemicals.

Cheese - healthy or not?

Parrot owners are worried about the question: can budgies eat cheese, as they consider this dairy product to be very healthy. The way it is. Cheese is an indispensable element of complete poultry nutrition, especially in the winter months. It contains a sufficient amount of protein, so necessary for tropical birds.

Therefore, owners don’t have to worry about whether a parrot can have cheese, and feel free to include it in the weekly menu.

Naturally, in everything, including in the diet of parrots, one should adhere to a reasonable standard. You should not overfeed a trusting creature with one product or another. Cheese, cottage cheese, and boiled eggs should be offered to the wavy in a varied order, about 1-2 times a week. There is no need to worry about whether parrots eat cheese; tropical birds are delighted with home-cooked food.

Hard food

The daily diet of parrots should include a grain composition. This is the basis without which it is difficult to imagine proper nutrition. When to pour food into the feeder (the daily norm once a day or add food several times a day) does not really matter, the main thing is that the parrot always has enough food, since they can do without food for no more than 24 hours.

Pet stores offer a wide selection of grain mixtures, ranging from the diet of budgerigars to large birds. Feed compositions vary depending on the size of the pet and its natural habitat. The following brands have proven themselves well: Italian Padovan, Belgian Versele-Laga, Italian Fiory, Russian RIO. When purchasing, be sure to make sure that the grain feed is tightly packaged and that its expiration date has not expired. Before pouring it into the bird's feeder, carefully inspect the grain to ensure there are no foreign impurities in it.

The nutrition of budgerigars or other species of these birds can be diversified by germinating the grain mixture. Sprouts are a storehouse of vitamins for parrots, which will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of your pet’s entire body.

Please note that if you do not wait for the greenery to fully germinate (to the point of grass), but give a slightly hatching sprout, then such feeding provokes sexual behavior in birds. In addition to very young shoots, the bird also needs ordinary greens (nettle, lettuce, fireweed, dandelion)

Greens from oats, wheat, and lettuce can also be grown on your windowsill.

When feeding Grays or other large birds, keep in mind that mixtures for large parrots already include nuts and seeds, so you should not offer them separately; use them separately only as a reward or treat.

How to give a parrot cheese and cottage cheese

When thinking about whether a parrot can have cheese, the owner of a tropical bird should carefully remember several important points:

  1. The cheese must be homemade. As a last resort, a small amount of dietary cheese is allowed - without salt, fat and chemical preservatives.
  2. Store-bought regular cheese is not suitable for a parrot! A reaction to such a product may include: stomach upset, spontaneous feather plucking, poor health, weakness, deterioration in the appearance of the plumage.
  3. Give cheese in minimal quantities.
  4. Put the cheese in the cage for no more than half an hour. If during this time the parrot does not touch the product, it must be taken out and thrown away. Fermented milk cheeses are a perishable product, and instead of being beneficial, they can cause enormous harm to your pet’s health.

Some experts are divided on whether a parrot can eat cheese. Some believe that the value of the product when served wisely is necessary for the wavy, others refute this idea, since cheese is a fermented milk product that negatively affects the intestinal microflora of tropical birds. There is an opinion that it is better to give preference to cottage cheese instead of cheese: it is both healthy and harmless. Within normal limits, of course.


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