In what situations should you give activated charcoal to a parrot and how to do it correctly

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05/15/2019 Activated carbon is an excellent natural remedy that absorbs harmful substances not only in the human body, but also in parrots. The microelements included in its composition - birch, wood materials or coconut shells - have a porous structure, which allows the product to absorb dangerous bacteria. Penetrating into the body of an infected individual, the absorbent accumulates around itself toxins that poison the body and removes them out.

Is it possible to give

Activated carbon has a porous structure and unique absorption ability, thanks to which it absorbs dangerous microbes.

If it enters the body of a bird or a person, it accumulates toxins that are the cause of poisoning. They are brought out, which allows you to quickly cope with poisoning.

The medication is a biological additive that is included in almost all commercial grain mixtures sold in pet stores.

Some breeders specifically give small amounts of medication to their pets for prevention. This allows you to remove excess waste from the body of birds, but ornithologists recommend giving this drug only when necessary.

Activated carbon consists of almost only carbon, and also contains some oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur and other impurities. The preparation is made porous, which makes it possible to obtain a high specific surface area. As soon as coal enters the body, it is not absorbed into the blood, but comes out with a stable structure, absorbing harmful substances.

Activated carbon molecules have a unique ability to attach molecules of other elements, which are quickly removed from the body.

The toxin absorption procedure is carried out within two hours after administration . During this period, coal binds a large number of harmful substances that are found not only in the stomach, but also in the intestines.

Has your parrot been sick?

Not really

Activated carbon for a parrot for poisoning

Activated carbon is an excellent natural remedy that absorbs harmful substances not only in the human body, but also in parrots.

The microelements included in its composition - birch, wood materials or coconut shells - have a porous structure, which allows the product to absorb dangerous bacteria.

Penetrating into the body of an infected individual, the absorbent accumulates around itself toxins that poison the body and removes them out.

Activated carbon for parrots: method of application, dosage

Activated carbon benefits not only people, but also parrots. This medicine belongs to the adsorbents. It is made from various organic materials, such as birch and coconut shells.

Coal has a porous structure, due to which it, like a sponge, attracts and absorbs molecules of various substances. When it enters the body, it is not absorbed, but attaches to itself various “garbage” and comes out with it.

It can even draw out toxins from the blood, which is why it is often used for poisoning.

In what situations is it necessary

Since the substance has good absorbent properties, giving activated charcoal to budgies is effective for the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea represented by liquid droppings;
  • loss of appetite, which is considered a clear symptom of poisoning;
  • drooping wings;
  • increased thirst;
  • the appearance of convulsive movements.

The above signs indicate poisoning, so it is advisable to use an absorbent to remove harmful components from the body.

Usually poisoning is associated with the following reasons:

  • Poor quality food . The owner of the wavy must provide an optimal diet, and it should include not only purchased grain, but also fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, nuts, water-based cereals and other products. It is not recommended to buy grain in bulk, as it is often infested with parasites and is also contaminated.
  • Expired products . If a person gives a pet fruits or vegetables, then they need to be changed daily, as such products quickly deteriorate. If a parrot eats an expired product, this will lead to serious poisoning.
  • Polluted water . Particles of food, droppings and fruit residues regularly fall into open drinking bowls, so the bird owner’s task is to change the water daily. Often the procedure is required even several times a day, so if a person leaves this issue unattended, then the water becomes dirty and dangerous for the bird.
  • Large amount of salt in the diet . Birds are prohibited from giving salty or sweet food, even when preparing porridge. Only water is used for it, so if you give the bird a lot of salty foods, this will cause poisoning.
  • Eating chemicals. Sometimes wavy fish taste cosmetics, household chemicals or human medicines. This leads to serious intoxication, so if you do not quickly help the bird, this will lead to its death.
  • Inhalation of toxic fumes . If renovations are planned in the house, then it is necessary to temporarily move the bird to another living space. Wavy plants can be poisoned by fumes from paint or varnish, as well as chlorine or substances used during disinfestation.

But activated carbon does not help with all types of poisoning. For example, if for various reasons a bird has interacted with serious toxic substances such as acids, heavy metals, solvents or alcohol, then it will not be possible to help it on its own. With such exposure, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian, although there is a high probability that the bird will die.

What does it help with?

Being a sorbent, activated carbon cleanses the body, removing toxins and other harmful substances from it.

Therefore, it is the first aid for:

  • diarrhea , when a bird has liquid droppings mixed with water;
  • poisoning , the symptoms of which are diarrhea, lack of activity and appetite, increased thirst, convulsions, drooping wings.

Read more about what medications can be given to parrots for various diseases.

Charcoal tablets help with poisoning of various natures:

  • bad food: poor quality food, water, spoiled food, poisoned grain, table salt in large quantities;
  • chemicals: medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics (a bird may try this out of curiosity);
  • chemical fumes: varnishes, paints, chlorine;
  • disinfestation agents for cockroaches, ants, moths, mice.

The range of action of the black adsorbent has limits; it does not remove all toxins. There is no need to give charcoal in case of poisoning with strong acids, alcohols, solvents, heavy metals and pesticides.

Did you know? The ancient Egyptians ingested charcoal to cleanse the body and spirit of filth.

Is it possible to use a regular pharmacy form?

If a person is caring for a wavy for the first time, then he doubts that it is possible to give the bird medicines intended for people. Activated carbon consists exclusively of useful and safe biological components that can be given to your parrot. Therefore, ordinary coal is often included in mineral mixtures and bird feed as a useful additive.

But if the bird needs treatment, then you have to give the substance in its pure form. Coal purchased at a pharmacy or specialized store for birds and animals does not cause any harm to birds.

But it is forbidden to give your parrot other types of coal, for example, charcoal. Do not use charcoal that is intended for grilling or filtering. If coal remains after lighting a fire, it cannot be used to treat your pet. Such substances not only fail to cope with the task, but also independently cause irreparable harm to the bird’s health. This is due to the fact that they contain dangerous impurities.

How to give medicine to a bird

To cope with the main symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to correctly choose the dosage and course of treatment. Birds rarely eat charcoal tablets in their pure form, so they have to be diluted.

To do this, take into account the advice of veterinarians:

In case of serious poisoning, it is recommended to administer the drug every 3 hours, and the course of treatment is approximately 3 days. If even after this period of time the owner does not notice any improvement, so the bird’s condition worsens every day, then he will have to contact a veterinarian, since he will not be able to cope with the wavy disease on his own.

Diarrhea in a budgie: treating diarrhea at home

It is not uncommon for the owner to notice liquid excrement in the cage of a budgerigar. If this phenomenon lasts for several days, then it should cause concern.

For various reasons, a budgie may have diarrhea; treatment in each case is selected individually. By taking a closer look at the factors that cause loose stools in your pet, it will be easier for you to provide him with proper care.

In some cases, it will be necessary to reconsider living conditions and care.

What causes diarrhea?

Most often, the cause of loose stools is poor quality food that the budgie eats. Stale food and water can cause diarrhea.

If your pet eats contaminated food, sour grain, and fruits that are starting to rot, this can have a negative impact on his well-being. Millet must be present in the poultry's diet, since its absence in the diet causes stomach upset.

When a budgie consumes an increased amount of greens, this can also cause diarrhea.

It is worth remembering that diarrhea is not a separate disease, but a symptom indicating the presence of health problems. The following pathologies can cause malaise and liquid discharge:

  1. Kidney, intestinal or liver disease. Budgerigars have a fairly sensitive gastrointestinal tract, so eating stale food can cause illness.
  2. Infectious diseases. The cause of the disease is being in a cage with another sick bird or unsatisfactory living conditions at the breeder.
  3. Stressful situations. Most often, a pet feels discomfort when moving to another cage, the appearance of a new neighbor, or as a result of fright;
  4. Long-term use of antibiotics. Treating another condition may end up causing diarrhea.
  5. Goiter inflammation. This is a dangerous disease that, if left untreated, can be fatal. Poor quality food can provoke inflammatory processes; the wavy is bothered by vomiting and loose stools.
  6. Constant exposure of the cage to a draft.

The appearance of your budgie will indicate whether you should be concerned about its health or not. If your pet has a clean beak and smooth plumage, then there is no reason to worry.

When should you worry?

Treatment for diarrhea in your budgie should be started immediately if there are any alarming symptoms. If a bird has not only loose stools, but also vomiting, then it needs immediate help.

When a wavy has no appetite and often sits on a perch with its feathers ruffled, this is an alarming symptom. In a sick animal, the feathers near the cloaca are constantly dirty and stuck together.

Your pet has been acting apathetic lately and often closes his eyes - another sign to be wary.

Determine that something is wrong with the parrot by visually examining its liquid droppings. Based on the color and consistency of the feces, it will be easier to determine what is wrong with your pet. Pay attention to the following features:

  • Presence of undigested grains in feces. Indicates the presence of infection, goiter inflammation or fungal disease.
  • Green droppings or yellow-green. This sign indicates liver problems. In some cases, green stool is due to food poisoning or parasites.
  • There is no white matter in liquid stool. This symptom warns of problems with the nervous system.
  • There is a lot of white matter in the feces. The animal suffers from kidney failure or arthritis.
  • Black stool with a lot of fluid. The bird may have stomach or nervous system problems.
  • White feces with a grayish tint. The pet is worried about pancreatic disease, this especially often happens if the diet contains a lot of fatty foods.

Seek help from your veterinarian if the color of the feces is dark red or red.

First aid

When you have identified diarrhea in your budgerigar, try to choose the most correct treatment. A few simple measures will improve your pet's well-being. If the bird does not live alone in the cage, move it to another house. This measure will avoid infecting your cage neighbor.

If stress is the cause of diarrhea, then try to improve your pet's living conditions. Try to move the house to a quiet place where harsh noise and light will not disturb. After 2-3 days, your pet should feel much better and loose stools should go away. If after a few days there is no improvement, then take your budgie to a specialist for an examination.

"Attention. If you want to help your bird get rid of diarrhea faster, try not to harm it. During quarantine, do not give your pet medications intended for humans, because in such a case you can only worsen the problem.”

It will be much easier to monitor the condition of a sick bird by placing white paper on the bottom of the cage. Based on the color and consistency of the droppings, it will be possible to understand whether the pet is on the road to recovery or not.

Try to improve the living conditions of the bird in the house. Eliminate all drafts in the room. Very often, during an illness, a pet begins to freeze, so use an infrared lamp for heating, so it will feel much better. Place a lamp near the cage for 2-3 hours a day.

Change your diet

An integral component of successful treatment of diarrhea in every budgie is a change in diet. Remove foods that may further aggravate the bird's condition. Exclude greens, fruits and seeds from your budgie's diet during the quarantine period.

Millet and oats should be a mandatory part of your pet's diet. If you have diarrhea, you should start giving your animal rice. This product has an astringent and enveloping property, which makes intestinal upset go away faster. Cook the rice without adding salt, milk or sweetener.

Try changing the food to a product of a different brand with a different composition. Try to change the water on time so that it does not have time to stagnate. Feces should not get into liquid and water, be careful about this.

Contraindications and side effects

Activated carbon contains beneficial biological components, so it rarely causes any side effects. But it should not be given to some sick individuals. For example, it is not allowed to give this drug to birds that suffer from peptic ulcers or have impaired digestive system function.

It is not recommended to combine activated carbon with other adsorbents.

The main negative consequence of excessive intake of coal is that not only harmful, but also beneficial components are removed from the body. This can cause the bird’s condition to worsen, so it is necessary to adhere to the correct dosage and course.

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