When and how often can a budgie be released from its cage?

Open windows

Many people leave windows open to ventilate the room, which is especially important in the warm summer. If your feathered friend flies out into the street, immediately go looking for him. Take your cage with you and your parrot's favorite treats and toys. If you have other birds living in your apartment, take the cage with them out to the balcony or move it closer to an open window, of course, taking all precautions so that the birds do not overheat or freeze. The singing of relatives will certainly attract the attention of the flying away parrot. Try playing your pet's favorite tune that plays often in your home. This will be a definite signal for poultry. If you are unable to immediately detect the flighted bird, you need to post notices in your area. However, do not stop searching. Walk along the nearby streets, peering into the trees, look for your parrot. Even a few hours outside can lead to disastrous consequences. Open windows are the most dangerous in summer. Be sure to equip the windows with special mosquito nets through which poultry cannot fly away.

Artificial sun

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to walk with their feathered friends outdoors. Many people are simply afraid that the cockatiel may fly away and not return home. If the parrots are kept indoors all the time, then lamps are installed for them that imitate natural light. This equipment is especially necessary for paired birds that are going to breed. Cockatiels breed only when the days get longer and the sun shines brightly.

Thus, a full-spectrum light bulb is suitable for arranging the cage; it is suitable for lamps with built-in electronic ballasts (electronic ballasts). Artificial sun is more often used by professional breeders who are interested in repeated breeding of offspring. If a person has a balcony, then it is better to get sunbathing from there. But how to protect your cockatiel from external parasites and your own stupidity? Only caring owners will be able to keep track of the bird, which will definitely want to fly free.

If the cockatiel flies outside, it will be difficult to catch it. Therefore, it is necessary to secure the premises as much as possible and prevent all possible threats. Only then will walks bring benefit and joy to the owner and the cockatiel parrot.

Walking on the floor

Parrots love to go down to the floor and study its surface, collecting small crumbs and debris. You should not accustom your bird to this. From an early age, stop any attempts to go down to the floor; it is better to arrange an alley for your parrot to walk on a table, cabinet or windowsill. You or other family members may not notice the parrot and accidentally step on it. If there is a carpet, the parrot may become entangled in the pile. On the floor, the bird becomes easy prey for pets. And, having penetrated under a closet or sofa, the parrot may get stuck or get lost.

The parrot flew away: how to find it?

If trouble does happen, then your actions will depend on whether you saw the moment of escape or not.

Although in any case, first of all you need to calm down and keep your mind cool.

Do not scream or try to chase the parrot, otherwise you will scare it to such an extent that it will fly too far.

Draw in your head the trajectory of its movement and at least approximately understand where it could fly.

Most likely, there will be trees around, in the crown of which the parrot disappeared.

But even if they are not nearby, then you need to determine the direction of the bird’s flight as accurately as possible.

If you returned to the room when the parrot had already flown away, you will have to turn on your intuition, put yourself in the pet’s place, wondering where it could fly.

How would you behave in such a situation, having spent your whole life in one place, and then finding yourself in a huge and completely unexplored space?

That's right, they would find a secluded place and hide, try to study the situation - this is exactly what the bird will most likely do.

Most likely, he will not even respond to your calls to go back for some time, he will be so scared.

To distract the parrot and direct his thoughts in the right direction, that is, towards returning home, you must focus his attention on some familiar thing.

Maybe he has a cagemate with whom he was very friendly, or is he attracted to some kind of sound?

Toys for birds

Parrot owners strive to provide the most interesting and varied leisure time for their parrot, including the use of special toys. But it is recommended to buy them in specialized pet stores. In this case, you can minimize the risk of purchasing a low-quality and potentially dangerous product. With use, toys wear out and become tattered. The pet may become entangled in them and damage its paw or other parts of the body. If toys are made of plastic, they should be washed regularly with warm water and disinfectants that are specifically designed for caring for poultry.

Table of contents:

  1. How to transport a parrot in a cage during the cold season
  2. How to transport a parrot in a car in winter
  3. What you need to know before transporting a parrot in a cage/box

Moving to a new place of residence is an event that happens in the life of almost every person. It causes special trouble when pets have to be transported along with acquired property. Entrust the issues of loading/unloading, packaging, transportation of things and furniture to the Gazelkin cargo taxi - this will guarantee accurate transportation on time. As a loving owner, you will probably want to do the preparation for moving your pets yourself.

If you are going to travel together with your parrot, you should prepare for it thoroughly. Certain safety precautions and transport regulations are required. Are you a caring owner and want to know how to transport a parrot in winter correctly, so that after the move you don’t have to treat the bird for a cold or the effects of stress? Then you should read the recommendations of experts on this matter and take them into account.

Guests in the house

Guests show a natural interest in other people's pets, want to gain trust and offer the animal various treats. But it is not a fact that those invited know what to feed the parrot. Offered treats can cause digestive disorders and even death of a pet. Immediately warn your guests that your bird eats certain foods and cannot eat sweets, flour products and other delicacies familiar to people. Take special care with small children. It is difficult to explain to them that a parrot can die from candy or another product. In addition, children themselves can suffer from a parrot bite. Domestic birds are capable of reacting aggressively to the desire to grab them, pull them out of the cage, or play outside an unusual shelter.

The need for flight for birds

Despite the fact that budgerigars are domestic parrots, they need to fly and stretch their wings. Therefore, if you are wondering whether your budgerigar should be released from its cage, then it is worth doing. If your pet lacks the sensation of flying, this can cause depression, lack of appetite, and certain diseases. In addition, if there is a lack of movement, the bird’s wings may atrophy, and your pet will no longer be able to fly, which will be a distressing moment.

Ideally, the wavy will have the opportunity to fly without restrictions. If there are restrictions, then at a minimum, purchase a cage that will allow the parrot to stretch its wings. The desired dimensions of the bird house are 60 cm long, 40 cm wide, 30 cm high. You can choose a slightly larger cage, especially if you are planning to purchase a second parrot.


The kitchen is the place where most dangers exist for a pet parrot. Plugged in appliances can kill your pet. Never let a bird fly if there is active cooking going on in the house, or there is a pan on the stove where the feathered friend could get into. The kitchen is not a place for parrots to roam. Do not train your pet to fly into this room, even if you rarely cook. Even at the stage of the animal getting used to you and the created conditions, forbid him to fly into the kitchen. In the kitchen, the windows are often open, and there may be pots of boiling water and hot dishes on the stove. Even a minor burn is dangerous for the life of a small parrot.

What to do if a parrot flies away and how to catch it

Be prepared for the fact that as soon as you bring a new feathered resident into your home, your life will change a lot.

It will be filled with a kaleidoscope of new and unusual events, among which there will be a lot of good and happy moments, but there will also be sad ones.

The good ones include all the love and devotion that the parrot will give you, but the bad ones include everything related to your pet’s health problems.

After studying the articles on our website, you may think that you are already ready for anything. But we hasten to assure you that this is not at all the case.

Imagine that you entered a room from which your parrot’s chirping was just heard, and now he is no longer in it, and only the open window tells you where he has gone.

As practice shows, this is a fairly common situation and you need to be prepared for it.

In this article we will try to find out the reasons that could push the bird to escape, and also figure out how this can be avoided.

In addition, here you can find some recommendations that will help you get it back.

We care about the quality and life expectancy of the parrot

Before getting pet parrots, think about whether you can provide him with a comfortable life and a safe existence in a certain apartment or private house.

Creating comfortable conditions.

Objects familiar to us can be truly dangerous for our feathered friend. Make sure in advance that the bird has comfortable conditions and cannot open the cage and crawl through the twigs. The parrot should leave its home only under your supervision. It is unacceptable for the bird to get out of the cage on its own when it wants to. Even the most modern apartment is fraught with many dangers for domestic birds.


The lifespan of parrots is influenced by the quality of feeding. Domestic birds must eat special food that contains the necessary nutrients, components that support the brightness of their plumage, high activity of the immune system and energy. Choose the right food for your pet, giving preference to trusted manufacturing companies that have a consistently good reputation and care about the interests of their customers. Do not forget about the prevention of hypovitaminosis and deterioration of feathers. Radostin products will help maintain the health of your parrot. They protect against stress, feather plucking and other common problems.

Why did the parrot fly away?

In fact, these situations are not caused by the parrot’s desire to run away from you, but by your inattention.

One has only to retreat to the kitchen for a few moments, leaving the door or window open, and the bird will immediately feel like a great explorer and fly there.

After all, you remember that parrots are extremely curious and freedom-loving birds, and that is why it is so difficult for them to resist flying into the unknown.

If the open door leads to the entrance, then you are lucky and catching the fugitive will not be difficult.

But if it flew out the window, or you live in a private house, then the situation becomes extremely complicated. It becomes especially creepy if there is winter outside the window and snow, which the bird has never seen.

Finding himself in such conditions, he can experience extreme stress, and his further behavior is almost impossible to predict.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to explain to the bird in advance that nothing good awaits him outside the house.

Therefore, every effort must be made to ensure that such a situation never arises.

The first thing you need to do is take care of the windows.

In summer, mosquito nets should be installed, especially in those rooms where the parrot is in free flight.

In winter, of course, the windows should be closed, although most likely this will be the case.


To know how to catch a flying parrot, you need to remember some rules and it is advisable to adhere to them. First of all, when trying to catch a bird or driving it into a cage, you should not shout or wave your arms, as this can only scare it. Because of this behavior of the owner, there will be even more problems with walks.

You should never try to knock down a parrot with a stick, as this will only frighten the colorful bird. Also, the parrot can be frightened by sudden movements, so you always need to be careful and careful. But if the parrot has not returned in the evening and its whereabouts are unknown, then it is best for the owner to post notices about its loss.

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