Many people believe that a bird in the house is the most unpretentious pet. Put her in a cage
Japanese finch photo
Maintenance, care and breeding of finches at home
Description Small, funny birds with interesting plumage colors and melodious voices - that's all
cockatiel cage dimensions
Cage for a cockatiel parrot: dimensions, manufacture and arrangement
Everything in our life happens for a reason. No wonder the radiant inhabitant of Australian woodlands was called double
budgie cage 1
Cage for a budgie: size, shape, location
Your feathered friend will spend most of his life in a cage. It is vital for birds
Rosella is an Australian parrot with bright plumage, a melodious voice and a cheerful disposition.
Appearance and description The Rosella parrot has been known for more than 200 years. And although natural
The best breeds of pet parrots and tips for choosing birds
Bright, intelligent parrots - they try to copy the habits of their owners, they are able to learn words or phrases in
Budgerigars sleep
How budgies sleep: time and conditions for sleep, correct mode
It is a miracle to watch how parrots sleep, budgies in particular. After all, these birds are like that
Lovebirds: description, types, care and maintenance
Small birds are especially valued as pets, and lovebirds rightfully occupy
Keeping and caring for budgies at home
Budgerigars are popular pets. This is due to the good tameability of these birds, which are very
Budgerigar photo
Care, maintenance and feeding of a budgerigar at home
But let's talk in more detail about the breeds, how to care for a parrot and
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