How to properly set up a cage for a budgie
Cage doors. It is necessary to understand that parrots are intelligent creatures that will try to gain freedom.
How to properly set up a cage for a budgie
Cage size for a budgie The next important condition is the house for the budgie itself.
What to do if your parrot has grown a long beak and how to prevent the problem from arising
A parrot's beak performs many different functions. With its help, the bird eats food, cleans
four lovebirds
Large parrots and their maintenance at home
Having a great desire to acquire a winged companion, you are probably wondering what types of parrots to keep at home.
Keeping and caring for budgies at home
Budgerigars are successfully kept at home - beautiful birds with a peaceful and curious nature.
Photo: Michael Verhoef
Is it worth bringing a budgie home - the pros and cons of the bird
This article, first of all, will be useful to those who are just thinking about purchasing a parrot.
disinfection for parrot cage
Parrot cage: how often should it be cleaned?
All birds that are brought into captivity need special care and cleanliness. If the owner
parrot food
How to respect the psychological boundaries of a parrot?
A parrot's overall health and life expectancy depend on its nutrition. Therefore, to the issue of feeding
Corella and budgerigar - can they live together?
Representatives of birds belonging to budgerigars or cockatiels are distinguished by their peaceful nature and get along easily with
necklace parrot photo
How long do necklace parrots live at home and in the wild?
— The Indian ringed parrot, or, as it is also called, the ringed parrot, is in great demand and
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